I figured since I'm back that I should let you all see how big my sweet boys are getting. Time passes so quickly. I don't want to miss a moment of it. I want to take them to get some family pictures done over the next couple of months. It sure would be nice to have something lovely to hang on the wall. I've only got 1 picture of the 3 of us together. That's just not enough for me. I need to fix that, yep.

~~my little boy looking coy~~

~~yay! we found monkey!~~
~~me and my monkey~~

~~showing me his new wristband--rockerboy~~

~~showing me the fake smile~~
~~best buds~~
Happy Mother's Day to you!
You are an awesome Mom to your kids...don you know that?! ;)
Happy Mothers Day too!
It was so nice to hear from you! I have soooo been out of the loop, i seem to just come to the blog in a crisis... lovely right?
if you would like to donate just click the side of my page, the button with the footprints on it takes you to the paypal account.
hope you are well! catch up soon!!!
ps. you look beautiful in your picture!
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