Friday, November 30, 2007

Let Me Clear My Throat

Ah-Huh, Ah-Huh, Ah...
The Value Of A Woman
(as said in the Hebrew Talmud)
"Be Very Careful if you make a woman cry, because God counts her tears.
The woman came out of a man's rib.
Not from his feet to be walked on.
Not from his head to be superior,
But from the side to be equal.
Under the arm to be protected,
And next to the heart to be loved."
In any relationship I have had with husband/boyfriend--past and present, you know--I have set the same standard, which I later wished I could take back. I am not really a very relaxed person, so I keep busy around the house picking things up, tidying a little area, the usual. Often at the start of the relationship, these tasks are shared between the lovebirds, but slowly the man seems to feel less need to be concerned about chores, as if some little cleaning fairies will take care of everything. Removing oneself from doing these tasks simply piles more onto someone else in the house. As I have gotten older, I have been much more vocal about my feelings in this area. Jobs like that get done so much more quickly with 2 people than just 1. I appreciate it every time I get helped out in that way. Honestly. That's just it, I appreciate it, but don't make it a rule. Have I erred in some irrepairable way? I do realize that there are plenty of men out there who could say the same about their wives/girlfriends. To you, no offense intended.

Friday, November 23, 2007

I'm a Baker, Not a Magician

So this is how I spend a Friday night...I was getting cereal out for the boys for the morning and thinking about what I might make for dinner tomorrow night then became mesmerised with the notion of making something with the "Holiday Rice Krispies" and I thought..."How the hell are you supposed to get the treats out of the sweet little holiday treats shape makers?" So I looked it up, as you can see. I haven't really looked at the instructions yet, just sending my little thought for today.

By the way, I am making chicken legs in my own blend of sauces served with pasta and perhaps some broccoli.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Bean Sprout Cafe

I took Sidney to his cousin Emily's birthday party this past Sunday. It was held at this sweet little cafe. I read the e-mail and carefully followed the map directions, although I have been that way many times, so it wasn't difficult. Sidney asked where the party was and when I told him the name of the spot he was quiet for a moment, then says:

"Mama, that sounds like a girl's place to me."

"Yes Sidney, I can see how you would think that. It does sort of sound girlie, but Emily's a girl."

"But boys are still allowed to go there. It's ok."

"Oh yes! Boys can go there too Bubba. We'll have fun for sure."

I was really impressed with the cafe. What a wonderful little family place. They have a whole play area with a small fence for children to play, which gives a chance for the mamas and daddies to have coffee in relative peace. They had decent rates both for everyday things and parties and they really did a great job. I believe I will find a reason to go there again sometime.

Here are just a couple of pictures that Kelly posted on the facebook...

all smiles

a tilted head for added cuteness

Friday, November 16, 2007

Proud L'il Mama

I have to say a little something about Seth. Since Tyler has come into our lives, and into his, Seth has been so generous with him. He is somewhat materialistic and used to sort of having things his way, so I have been watching intently to see what would happen with another 9 year old around. Now granted, Seth lives here only every other week and Tyler only comes on weekends so they really don't spend a great deal of time together, however, Seth calls his bedroom "our room or mine and Tyler's room" without a second thought. My mom had a boyfriend and when his daughter came to visit I really tried to be nice, but I can remember feeling frustrated with her sometimes. I am so proud of Seth for being so open and sharing with someone. I am so pleased to see that he can so freely share his bunkbeds,space and other possessions. He can be so thoughtful--especially in regards to Tyler. I just wanted to publicly announce that he is a good boy. He tries my patience in areas, but he is good and he is going to be a good man someday.

ah ha! I just found this one while browsing...taken 2 yrs ago

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Lest We Forget

Today is Remembrance Day. In the 11th month, on the 11th day, in the 11th hour we take time to remember all that our soldiers have done for us as a country. It is an important day that gets less recognition as time passes. Old veterans die, and the significance of the day seems somewhat lost to our youth, unless we teach them and show them that it is still important.

All week, I have been listening to people talk about their upcoming long weekend. Why do people get tomorrow off in lieu? This is not a day that can be substituted for another. It falls on a very specific day for observance. I do not have tomorrow off and it is a scramble for me to find childcare, as school and daycare are closed. Why should people have this extra day? Are they planning another observance ceremony? Likely not. It is just another day that workers feel they should be paid for and receive that extra day to do whatever they want with. If it were any other holiday I would feel differently. Are we showing the proper respect in taking an extra day? In my opinion, NOT AT ALL.

My grandfather, and his brother went overseas to fight for our way of life in World War II. My father spent much of my young life away from home serving in the military. My ex-husband and many of my friends and acquaintances over the years have served in the Canadian Forces. I do respect what they do for me and for my family. I will remember.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

A Friend In Need

Is a friend indeed...

My wonderful friend Rebecca lost her father yesterday. He died as a result of ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease). He was diagnosed last fall, but he had been feeling unwell for some time before that. Last Christmas morning, Rebecca and her boyfriend got engaged. She has set her date as March 22, 2008. Since she moved into the townhouse next door...oh did I forget to mention?...we have been walking together and talking a lot about the situation. I am going to be one of her "Bride Girls", as they're called on The Rock, so we have been talking about all sorts of details, but mostly about her father's illness. She was determined to have him carried to the hall in his bed if necessary to watch the union and see the cake cut. She just wanted her daddy to be there on her special day.

I am not sure if she will keep the date or not. They are all very close, and Rebecca is the only sibling of 3 living away from their home town. I am wondering if it might be a little too soon. We spoke yesterday evening as she was packing to go home and my goodness, my heart goes out the her. She is so sad. I am grateful that her fiance was able to leave quickly from work and take her home himself. Say a little prayer of comfort if you will please...for her mother also who is feeling quite overwhelmed with grief. I am thankful that Rebecca went home last weekend to see him. It is a comfort that she was able to hug, kiss and tell him she loved him.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

The Other One is Giving the Peace Sign

I was driving back to work after lunch one day, just thinking and feeling a little overwhelmed with life in general, and I heard this song on the radio. It lifted my spirits and somehow just made my afternoon a little bit happier and easier. Funny how music can do that, isn't it?

Friday, November 02, 2007

Zombies and Venoms and Fish, Oh My!

This was not my halloween with the boys. They went to their father's and had Trick-or Treating with Monica and Jones, as John was away. We did talk when they got home, and Monica sent me these wonderful pictures.

everyone's looking forward

the kick-ass Spidey pose
There are a few more, but these are my favorites. They are going to stay with their dad an extra week as he will be away for a while after that. Then, I will get them for 2 weeks...whooo hooo!