Friday, January 04, 2008

I Said I Would, And I Actually Did!

So, I mentioned that I haven't had a cigarette in a while. I have been waiting to talk about it because I didn't want to jinx myself, if that makes any sense. I guess I didn't want to write about it too quickly in case I bailed again. Before I made this post, I wanted to be certain that I was on the right track, and had actually followed through with what I said in "bad habits" last year...that 2007 was the year to make it happen.

This time, my doctor suggested I check out champix online, and let her know what I think. I decided to try it since I liked what I read, and she had said several people were having good results with it. See, you start the pills, then set the quit date. For me, every day was easier and I wanted less to smoke. By the eve of my quit date, I was nervous but encouraged for sure. I have not had a cigarette since October 31, 2007. Yay for me! Perhaps I am also just ready. It really takes will power, although I am still taking the pills and that helps. I have been out a few times with people smoking...sans cigarettes por moi... even had drinks. This is MAGIC for me! So far, so good. I don't even miss it with my coffee OR my beer.


Anonymous said...

It's very nice to hear.. Goodonya..

LADY said...

Congrats! It took my best girl YEARS to quit - so happy when she finally did. Keep it up!!

Kelly said...

Congratulations! :)

Mommato2 said...

That is soooo awesome! You should be very proud of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Good for you!!

the princess said...

thank you all so much for your comments and support. I am still feeling great and have not cheated on myself.