Sunday, January 27, 2008

Girls Rule, Boys Drool

They just think they run the show. Why is it that men don't seem to remember that they all came out of women? Please do not be alarmed. I am simply making a general observation.


Anonymous said...

Because to be polite, a lot of them are knuckleheads!!!!

Mommato2 said...

I totally hear you sista....with all due respect to my darling husband of course!

Practically Perfect In Every Way said...

that's why kicking them in the crotch sometimes is the answer. just saying.

Mom of 3 boys said...

How true!!! I have a husband and 3 sons and a male dog.....I have to sometimes stop and just look at them in amazement, because I am not sure how they remember get dressed some days....I really wonder if they actually have a brain of is it just air....GIRLS TO RULE and BOYS DROOL...don't get me wrong I love them all dearly....

the princess said...

it's funny, because when I wrote this post I wasn't really referring to my guy, but it can be taken that way, and it is accurate sometimes.