Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Grudge~~part #1

I forgive easily but have great difficulty forgetting offences against me or my loved ones. I don't believe this is an unusual trait for a woman.

So there's this horrible Bitch-Cow-Whore (yes, this is how I refer to her) that I will never forget. Her name is actually Rhonda, but I like Bitch-cow-whore so much better. She was my older brother's first live-in girlfriend, which puts us way back in...1986? 1987 perhaps? Anyhow, I went to visit at their place one weekend and I took along all the pictures I had in my possession. All of the family photos that exist. We sat there for hours, my brother and I, sorting and battling for certain shots. There was one in particular...just a snap shot of our parents together. My mother with jeans and a t-shirt that said "Eat a beaver, save a tree"(which we both thought was hilarious!) and my father with his arm around her. They divorced when I was 7, so there weren't a lot of those shots available. I finally relented and let my brother keep that one along with many others. See, I have all of our baby pictures and baby books along with many school pictures, report cards, all of that stuff.

A couple of months later, my brother shows up at my place to talk to me because he had finally decided to leave her. Good, I thought. She's a bitch-cow-whore and not good enough for my brother. But here's the catch...the stupid bitch THREW OUT all of his things! Records, books, and worst of all...PICTURES OF OUR DEAD MOTHER!!! What kind of person does something like that? I would not likely recognise her all these years later, but have always vowed that if I did see her, I would give her a good hard punch in the face.


Dale said...

I'd kick her in the box first and then punch her in the face. That's awful!

Princess of the Universe said...

I think I might hate her too!

the princess said...

ladyjaye~~it is also completely unforgivable. i can relate on the ex thing, but i'm with you...i would NEVER throw out things belonging to someone else, expecially things of sentimental value. rude people are evil-bitch-cows. rudeness is just wrong!

dale~~i would wear the pointiest shoes i could find for the perfect box kick for sure. good thinking.

princess~~she's probably one of the only people i really truly hate.

PinkPiddyPaws said...

Wow..just wow!!! I can't even imagine doing something like that. Makes a girl rethink co-habitation, that's for sure.

the princess said...

pinkpiddypaws~honestly girl, it is beyond my imagining to harbour that much anger and hate to do that. i just plain don't get it. it comes up in my mind from time to time since i still have all the albums but with half the pages missing. i feel just as upset even now, maybe even more now since i am older and memories childhood begin to fade just a little.

Mommato2 said...

Ohh.....what a terrible thing to do....hopefully she is living with the guilt to this day because that was very mean.