Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Love Day

the boyfriend gave me pretty flowers...aren't they lovely?
Valentines day events:

Sidney said he did not get caught by the guy that shoots the hearts at people, what's his name again? I asked him what happens if Cupid (oh yeah, Cupid) catches you and he sort of rolled his eyes, smirked at me and said "he makes you fall in love".

Seth was given the option of giving valentines out in class or not. He decided he didn't want to. Perhaps he is too cool now that he is 10.

I received a call from Seth's teacher around lunchtime today saying that they were having some sewage backup problems (eww...I know...they were super quick to get the children out of the building) and all the children had to be picked up as soon as possible. Unfortunately, I didn't have the car today and had to have the boyfriend pick us up, take us home, then scat back to work. He told me on the way that I wouldn't be able to get my present now because it was going to work! Ahhhhh! I need my present, it's Valentine's Day for the love of Pete (whoever that is). He picked them up for me when he went to pick Sidney up at daycare. He really is great and I sure do feel loved today.


Mom of 3 boys said...

I love your flowers!!! they are beautiful!!! And it feels good to be loved....too bad Valentines day isn't more than once a year...

Anonymous said...

Your flowers are beautiful! Happy Valentine's Day my friend!

Kelly said...

It cracks me up how you call him "the boyfriend". Hehe.
Beautiful flowers for a beautiful lady. ;)

the princess said...

mom...thanks, i wish there were more days like valentines day too:)

suze...yours are beautiful too! happy v-day my friend :)

kel...i know! he gets skittish when he sees me type his name-lol, and thank you :)